Customer Self Service is scheduled to be unavailable from 8:00 pm March 4, 2025 to 1:00 am March 5, 2025
Notice: Our customer self service website has recently been updated, and some customers are currently experiencing issues. Impacted customers will have to clear their browser’s cache. Hitting <Ctrl>+<F5> will address most browsers, if this does not work please search on how to clear the cache on your specific browser. If you continue to experience issues with CSS after trying the troubleshooting steps above, liquor customers please contact or 204-474-5500, and cannabis customers please contact Thank you
Having trouble ordering?
Liquor Orders:
Go to for training materials, FAQ, and Training Webinar or contact LCC at 204-474-5500 or
Cannabis Orders:
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm